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Adriana Pecoraro
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Structural and electronic key features of Perovskite Solar Cells from First-principles

Amir Natan
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Oxygen Reduction Reactions at metal and other surfaces

Anders Hellman
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Insights to the morphology of Fe2O3 clusters using computational methods

Arik Yochelis
Ben Gurion University, Israel
Micro-Kinetic Approach to Photo-Electrochemical Water Splitting: Uncovering Novel Reaction Pathways

Assa Sasikala Devi
University of Oulu, Finland
Tuning the properties of Janus van der Waals hetero structures by varying interface

Bartłomiej Szyja
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Ru-pincer complexes as charge transfer mediators in CO2 reduction

Debesh R. Roy
National Instutute of Technology, Surat, India
2D Metal Carbide Sensors for Environmentally Toxic Gasses under DFT and NEGF Approaches

Dmitry Bocharov
Institute of Solid State Physics, Latvia
Titanium Dioxide: Bridging Photocatalytic Processes and Antibacterial Activity

Federico Calle-Vallejo
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
Geometric effects on platinum electrocatalysts

Florian Libisch
Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Multi-scale simulation of large-scale nanostructures:
combining tight-binding and DFT

Guy Makov
Ben Gurion University, Israel
Novel nanometric phases of the monochalcogenides: Theory meets experiment

Jonny Bernstein
Rafael - Advanced
Defense Systems, Israel
First Principles Study of Rb Adsorption on Single-Layer Graphene/α-Al2O3 (0001) Interface

Jose Gomes
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Insights into the structure and behavior of materials from classical MD simulations

Juan A Anta
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
First principles prediction of the low frequency behavior of perovskite materials and solar cells

Klemen Bohinc
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Electrostatic and conductive properties of tubular structures

Konstantin Neyman
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Effects of oxide supports on metal particles in catalytic nanomaterials

Leonhard Mayrhofer
Fraunhofer IWM, Germany
Making green hydrogen even more sustainable – The substitution of PFAS in fuel cells and electrolyzers

Luliana Marin
Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Accelerating Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Enhanced GROMACS Algorithms and MPI Parallelization

Mehmet Arik
Early-stage frost formation and its effect on heat transfer: a fundamental approach to understand crystalline structure

Michele Pavone
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Role of surface chemistry in tuning Oxygen red-ox catalysis at transition metal oxide surfaces

Nadezda Kong
Institute of Physics, Estonia
High-Performance Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalyst Derived from Bimetallic Mn/Co-MOF

Nicolae Goga
Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Developments in Multiscaling Simulations

Nigel Clarke
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Organic Bulk Heterojunction Nanoparticles for Water Splitting

Péter Vancsó
Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungary
Unique electronic properties of rhombohedral graphite thin films

Piotr de Silva
DTU Energy, Denmark
Singlet-triplet inversion in organic photoactive materials

Ricardo Grau-Crespo
University of Reading, United Kingdom
Designing nano-structured chalcogenides for thermoelectric applications using density functional theory and machine learning

Said Hamad Gomez
Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, Spain
Study of the nucleation of ZIFs via machine learning potentials

Stanislav Záliš
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of AS CR, Czech Republic
Excited-state dynamics of photo-sensitizers containing heavy and earth abundant transition metals. Quantum mechanical and molecular dynamical study

Tamar Goldzak
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Excited state phenomena and structural properties of nano-materials

Titus van Erp
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) , Norway
Pushing the Limits of Time Scales in Molecular Simulation

Tomasz Wesolowski
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Frozen-Density Embedding Theory based multi-scale simulations of the effect of environment on the electronic structure of solvated species

Uğur Bozkaya
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Linear Scaling Coupled-Cluster Methods with Molecular Fragmentation Approaches

Veera Krasnenko
Institute of Physics, Estonia
Ab Initio Calculations of the Raman Spectra of Thin Strontium Titanate Films with and without Adsorbates

Vesselin Tonchev
Sofia University, Bulgaria
Quantifying the growth order in “artificial” crystallization